Alil about me..

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Im a Kenyan with interest in Marketing and with a passion to sell. I love taking up challenges that crack me brain out ;) im not all that in writing but will try keep it simple and brief for all my fans and followers out there.... more about me, follow me ;) @ahmedsalims

Sunday, March 6

Fighting your competition

I was at mind speak hosted by @alykhansatchu this past Saturday where Gina Din was the guest speaker.
Being in the advertising and marketing background as a person, iv always respected not to mention love Gina. She's always been an inspiration from the day I knew of her and even more when I met her yesterday. During her talk, there was a question asked from the audience which I wish I was able to answer it.

"What do you do when you have your competition bad mouth about your company to clients?"

Gina answered this pretty well - she said come open; be open to your clients of the situation.

Well I wanted to add - IGNORE them!!! The fact that you have asked this question is even worrying me, because clearly you are falling into your competitors trap. your competitor is getting your attention and energy just as he'd like it.

In business especially marketing - bad talks towards your competitor is one of the signs of a dying horse. If a competitor begins this act - brush your shoulders, continue doing and do it more!! To an extent their own words will haunt them with the same very own clients.

This doesn't just relate to business - also in personal life. You will NOT please everyone - people will dislike you, will envy you and also set to fail you. Just have your clear mission vision (purpose) set your living / working standards and just do your thing. Try making as many friends as possible - in the process also be prepared to make enemies. Their weapon is ignore them and live your life - make allies where possible, appreciate, give everyone their rightful credits you'll notice the same team will protect and help you grow....

Block out the negative things in life, and focus on the positive!

ps: *uploaded with a mobile device: kindly pardon my french ;) pls share :)

1 comment:

  1. The core foundation is building relationship and giving values. Never ever badmouth about other network marketing which is not professional. Even today I still see lots of people in network marketing badmouthing which is not good
