Alil about me..

My photo
Im a Kenyan with interest in Marketing and with a passion to sell. I love taking up challenges that crack me brain out ;) im not all that in writing but will try keep it simple and brief for all my fans and followers out there.... more about me, follow me ;) @ahmedsalims

Saturday, November 6

My 1st Blog...

having being pushed by my good friend, brother and colleague Alex i decided its about time i start blogging. honestly there's this alittle excitement that i finally have a blog that hopefully you all will enjoy reading.... also not to mention alittle fear; will i really manage??? will people like my stuff??? oh well - il try my best ;)

hope you all will be part of this and follow me when i do what i do...
peace and be blessed.



  1. Ahmedos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So pleased you have joined the blogosphere :)

  2. am following u had better write interestn stuff! hehehe ...

  3. Yeiii!! Can you hear the trumpets? :-) Glad to have you on board finally.

  4. Are u kidding me!! they'll be crazy not to like your possessions...;) am sure it gonna be such an energy moving blog. cheers!!
