Alil about me..

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Im a Kenyan with interest in Marketing and with a passion to sell. I love taking up challenges that crack me brain out ;) im not all that in writing but will try keep it simple and brief for all my fans and followers out there.... more about me, follow me ;) @ahmedsalims

Tuesday, November 9

Are you MOTIVATED???

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar. This is among the quotes that inspires me and encourage me with all the tension stress and pressure I go through in my everyday life. Past Saturday I mentioned I had a few meetings then headed to production where my opinion and approvals were required. That was a relief for me knowing atleast the wheel has started moving despite slow…. My reason to say that, for those who followed us on our fan page Fluid Tees, recall a launch that was made on the 16th Oct. the hype online that created curiosity and a buzz which was taken positively all across all platforms. The launch also was a success everyone were impressed and we delivered our promise…but that’s not what it is for me – till date I don’t have the tees ready with me. YES you got that right. Now ask me about stress I can define it for you in all angles. Apparently the world is going through a huge shortage of cotton and its hit developing countries so hard that the end users (being us) are the ones suffering big time.
I spend atleast 15mins everyday going through motivation quotes and relate it to my everyday life… trust me, it helps…..

Yesterday I bumped into one of my 1st fans now friend, Sir Magudedi :) he was among the first people who bought the Africa Unite tee and jotted on our visitors book “travelled all the way to get a Fluid tee” that’s also part of inspiration that makes me to do what I do to deliver what you want…

Technology never cease to amaze me… you can do all your transactions business deals and even an interview with your cell. Il tell you what, the last blog I posted; it takes 2 to…. was all posted through my cell phone at mid night. One of those days insomnia decides visits you, while you have nothing to do you get this thought you want to share…that’s what happened and I typed the whole thing while laying in bed using my cell. I mentioned interview, a local magazine wanted to know more about what I do and my role in Fluid and more about it – due to time constraints, we had a full interview on BBM. To make it funny, I was at the barbers having a haircut while at it…. True story!!!

I thought to have atleast one sensitive topic to either ask, discuss get opinions or thoughts about… being a debut I’m not sure how this will go but I guess will let it flow….need your help here though ;)
Btw, symbol +/- is to highlight its either a positive or negative issue but again its sensitive ;) 

Do you think it’s a good idea to be close friends with your X??


  1. I c ur blog is improving. Good job

  2. nice blog Ahmed;) ...and i do believe in findin somethin that motivates me n pushes me thru those gruelling times.. i have quite a few myself which shall remain under covers!:p lol

    my thoughts on your discussion topic - i personally know i could b and remain friends with anyone but i just dont think i'd want to b as close to him(my x) as i'd been before - deliberately!(well thats kinda obvious;) but i do know of people who remain being so close(most of them admit that when that happens there sometimes comes a time or situation where they cross over the 'close friends' only phase again.. u see, its a cycle.. a confusing one. so i'd rather let confusion be!(rather then get engrossed and pulled into it.. old habits die hard after all!(esp with someone u'v been so close to before dont u think??;)

    have a great day Ahmed!:)

  3. Aha! I just did what you do to motivate yourself, I read quotes and yeah it helps :)

    And well been close to ones X. Well it depends are you on the same level on its over and just want to be friends. Well neither really knows as maybe ones intention maybe be different from the other. Leading to more complications if its to be friends I think it should be simple. Personally speaking I have tried being mates but they tend to think otherwise so I just let them float on that boat as my intentions are completely different and that is been there to be caring and supporting as friends but they tend to think otherwise. But at the end its up to you, before the relationship you had a friendship so it would be worth fighting for and maintaining it.

  4. Hey Ahmed,

    It takes a crowd for one to be motivated but it takes individual intuitions to really know where you are at life and progress makes the ride easier and less tasking!

    About the Ex theory,memories are rekindled and it can take one twist of event and you guys get entangled in passion which will eventually hurt you both further.One word:Keep off your Ex!!

    Ahmed fan and FluidFamily member!!


  5. I rarely read motivational comments, but when I seems I always get the right one - to nudge me further!

    On the X, I'd say stay away. It's bad news...what if old feelings are re-ignited and you end up hurting each other even further! Eeek

  6. If you do not have motivation, you have no hope. And there is nothing so dehumanising, so discouraging, so uninspiring that slowly ebbs/kills the life of a man as the lack of hope. One can lose everything, one can be as stressed as you are, but that can never match up to the lack of motivation.

    I rest.

  7. i couldnt agree more!! you guys ROCK and again thanks for the support!!!!
    Pius - its a NO NO NO for me too :) thanks guys

  8. Gr8 note,

    True, motivation & patience are what keep us going as well as better ourselves as persons & pull ourselves out of sress n despair, Luk @ it this way,if we focus on doing something positive about the things we can control, we tend to expand our circle of influence.patience is emotional diligence especially in times of stress where our impatience surfaces...we may say things we don't really mean or intend to say all out of propotion to reality.But,Patience accept the reality of step by step processes & natural growth cycle.

    well, about +/-, i think it more applicable to be friends than "CLOSE" friends.
