Alil about me..

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Im a Kenyan with interest in Marketing and with a passion to sell. I love taking up challenges that crack me brain out ;) im not all that in writing but will try keep it simple and brief for all my fans and followers out there.... more about me, follow me ;) @ahmedsalims

Tuesday, January 11

Asante Sana.....

While growing up I remember I used to see my mates have or do something: I always wanted to do the same or have the same.. It wasn’t competition but the new things I saw always inspired me not to be left behind and to feel part of the IT thing if you know what I mean. That got into me that I ended up being too demanding and finding ways to get whatever I desired – from a water gun to a brick game (for those who remember it)…. I recall having issues with my mum for my demanding behavior – at that age I dint know what it took to put food on the table it was more like it’s normal to eat, sleep work etc… I was raised in a single parent family; my mum bro and myself!!! I want to believe I was spoilt and pampered being the last born but fact of the matter is peer influence!! Mama really never knew how to say NO in actions even if she’ll say its worthless or why compete or I don’t have money to buy it for you – she would sleep with guilt and made sure with time I’ll have it this was  to ensure I don’t end up stealing or feel that space of not having a dad around(story for another day) I dint realize all that till the day she thought its time to sit and talk to me about life in general…..
She started off by taking me through her monthly budget against her monthly pay!! Believe you me – far back in my mind felt like a mallet hitting sense in me slowly!! She ended the discussion by saying “Kuuna mahali mkono wafika…and I do love you” THAT HIT ME SOOOO HARD; Guilt – felt like a potato stuck in my throat and I won’t lie it wasn’t easy – took a while, started thinking a lot about what she said and you know what made sense? I had stuff some of my friends dint have, I had a shelter that some dint, I went to school despite my notorious years some dint… then comes the sense you need to be responsible in life not to feel you’ve achieved only but to pay back for the one woman who fought her life for my brother and I – who made decisions based on our future, who planned what’s best for us and not her…. Who sacrificed her life happiness to see we got what we needed and mainly education!! That’s one trait I would love to get from mama – sacrifice for those you love and care for!!!  That’s when you say – THANK GOD FOR WHAT I HAVE!!! You think you have problems? Look at the one who sleeps on the streets? Think you deserve the best? Look at the one who is innocently jailed for no crime.. you think you have a whack phone, car, cologne, perfume, anything.. ? Look at those who walk miles to work every day for a 50 bob a day? Or those who only use a phone to pass a death announcement!!!!  Im not saying be stingy or do not enjoy life – but all im saying lets appreciate what we have – the bigger you have the more blessed you are J
Believe God is the greatest and has planned the best for you – no matter what happens its for the best and with God’s love, you will accept it. Be grateful for what you have:  your loyal friends, for your family, for the one you love for the one you once met and made you smile…. Appreciate it all – not just by saying but also action it!!! Help a stranger and see the response – smile at a kid or a stressed person – you just might show them the light at the end of their tunnel….. We all are Gods creation for He is the all-knowing and thus we all need to remember Him appreciate Him and pray to Him.
Today being my birthday with all the calls, texts, messages, gifts…. Its all thanks to God to have made me meet people and make friends with them who actually care. Its touched me in a very unique way that im inspired to return the favour in all possible ways and mainly by praying for you all. You all are a blessing and God sent.
Thank you and love you all!!!!